Tips For Adults With ADHD
- 4 - 5% of adults (8 million) in the US suffer with ADHD
- Adults with ADHD can find it challenging to deal with daily distractions, lack of organizational skills and feeling overwhelmed
- Some adults may think they have ADHD but just suffer from being overstimulated, overworked and overtired
- ADHD has 3 main traits: inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity
- A person 17 years of age or older has to have at least 5 symptoms as characterized by the 1 and/or 2 of the traits for at least 6 months within 2 or more settings such as work, school and/or home
- Make a "To Do List" nightly
- Eat a power breakfast
- Exercise
- Structure your day
- Declutter
- Organize
- Electronic reminders
- Tune out distractions
- Time OUT
- Count to 10 before speaking
- Ask for Help
Tips For Adults With ADHD