You're Worth The Work

You're worth the work is what I have to tell myself mentally and verbally sometimes several times a day.  Why? Well, because there are areas in my life that I wish I could coast through.  Like my weight for example.  I need to personally lose about 50 pounds to be healthy, lower my blood pressure and just feel better, but I want to lose the weight while being able to eat all the fattening, sweet, delicious foods that I want to eat without having to exercise. Don't we allhave this desire or fantasy? The fantasy is beautiful but the reality is that I can't eat whatever I want and I do have to exercise along with watching my food intake.  Basically, it spells WORK to me and for me.  I have to suck it up and decide that I am worth the work it is going to take to have the life I deserve, reach the goals I want to achieve and to be my very best. 

Not only do I tell this to myself but I tell it to my clients as well because basically we are experiencing negative outcomes in our lives due to lack of effort.  We have to work! Anything worth having, from your job/career, family/marriage, houses/cars, ANYTHING, TAKES WORK!  And guess what? It takes even more work to maintain all of these things, but be of good cheer even God rested on the 7th day.  So, we do get to rest but it is just a nap...What does this mean? Do we never get to enjoy life if we are always working? Not at all, because having the life you deserve means you should also be fulfilled in all that you have accomplished by the fact that working at something makes us intrinsically feel better about ourselves.  Lazy people are mistakenly happy and in fact miserable! Let's get real in the fact that we do take time to relax and enjoy the life we have worked hard for but there will be plenty of time to sleep and I believe they call that place the grave!

Please tell yourself everyday that you are worth the work it is going to take to have the life you so richly deserve.  If you are having difficulty with this or anything in your life for that matter please feel free to reach out to me via this website or at  I would love hearing from you and walking with you in your journey.

Tips For Your Best Year Yet

I have neglected my blog for a while but for good reason.  I have been transitioning in so many areas of my life and trying to get a handle on how it needs to look as I move forward because 2016 is to be my best year yet.  I am so looking forward to see how God leads me this year. I declare that everything gets better when he is the lead.  But, I ask that you go along with me this year and take these 16 tips to heart and make 2016 your best year yet as well.  So, without further adieu (I think this how you spell it :) ). 

Tip #1 - Pray, meditate and affirmations daily - start your day out with prayer, meditation and speak positive affirmations over yourself.  

Tip #2 - Deep breathing relaxation techniques - take at least 10 deep breaths daily.

Tip #3 - Exercise -  try to exercise for at least 20 minutes per day at least 3 days per week.

Tip #4 - Eat healthy - decide to eat healthier and take care of your body from the inside out.

Tip #5 - Steal away - take 10 minutes out of your day to steal away for your self-care.

Tip #6 - declutter and organize - you can think better when we keep things simple and organized.

Tip #7 - Visualize - close your eyes and visualize the life you want and deserve.

Tip #8 - Replace negative thoughts - with positive thoughts and change your life.

Tip #9 - Get a gratitude journal - there is always something to be grateful about.

Tip #10 - Give -  your tithe, talents, gift, and abilities and expect your return.

Tip #11 -Surround yourself with good people and those who will hold you accountable to your dreams.

Tip #12 - Laugh - laughter is good for your soul and can heal like medicine  

Tip#13 - Forgive - everyone who ever hurt you; not for them but for you so that you will be empowered to move forward into your new year free from the baggage of hurts and pain.

Tip #14 - Get and stay out of debt - you don't want the distraction of debt to hinder you from being able to finance your dreams this year or any year for that matter.  

Tip #15 - Rest- you need to get at least 7 - 8 hours a day of good sleep a night. 

Tip #16 - Strive for excellence and not perfection - do your best everyday, that's all anyone can ask for. 

2016! OUR BEST YEAR YET!!! Please in box me about your journey this year,  I would love to hear from you.

Transitions - Always a Positive

It has been a while since I last shared with you and it is mainly because I have been in transition.  Sometimes, we make plans that don't always go the way you believe they should go or they do something completely different.  I planned and worked on getting my professional license for counseling in April.  Well, even though I had completed all the hours and work in April, my actual license didn't come through until September.  I could of thrown a tantrum or made the delay a major setback for my life but the exact opposite happened.

Opposite? What do you mean? Well, the delay was for me to get things in order for my next transition.  I was able to fine tune some things in my life and have divine encounters with people that would lead me to my next chapter.  I was able to transition to another job that will take my expertise to another level.  I was able to get organized in my personal life so that I would be prepared for the transition.  Sometimes, transition can be fearful, difficult, surprising, and/or pleasant.  But, transition should be a pattern that we all experience in our journeys because we should be going from glory to glorybecause stagnation or complacency starts to make you miserable.  We were created to grow and evolve and with that takes work to keep moving forward.  But to stand still means to die because we no longer contribute to the greater good.  Transition has nothing to do with ourselves but what we can do for others.  I feel better when I am learning or experience something that I can share with someone else who is in need.  That is why I went into counseling.  I genuinely care about others and want to see their lives changed for the better and if I know something that can bring about that change then why not. 

So, transition - always a positive and if it isn't for you then would you at least consider changing your perspective?  I would love to dialogue with you.  If you need to talk please consider inboxing me.  I look forward to hearing from you.